i create all my IP SLA by cli on the router. this enables me to know exactly what is being done, as well as organize my IP SLA by a structered numbering schema
then add them into VNQM, via the manul add commands
when a partners( some site/location that i do not control) chnages some parameter , like an IP addr, i have to fix it on the rtr
i remove the IP sla command, edit it and then add it back
here comes the issue
in VNQM, the chnages are no longer reflected. for some reason it does not see the new/changed IP SLA, even though the SLA number is the same
so i delete the ip sla in VNQM and try to add the number again.
NO LUCK, vnqm tells me that it exists already??
why? i removed the specific ip lsa number
i have stop/start the service, no luck
i have restart the vnqm VM, no luck
the only work around is to create a new ip la number, the down side, all history is lost
PLEASE fix this bug